Brownells Österreich - Einer der größten Lieferanten für Waffenteile, Büchsenmacherzubehör & Schießsportzubehör Österreich
050806102606 108001002
A "Third Hand" For Gunsmiths & Hobbyists ... A Wealth of Information Available Nowhere Else
You're going to love this 2nd book in the Gunsmith Kinks® Series! We think it may even be better than Gunsmith Kinks® (which is fantastic!) because it includes so many more Kinks®, so many more "hands-on" cures to shop problems and so many more useful and time-saving jigs, fixtures and drawings. Follows the unprecedented format of Gunsmith Kinks®, bringing together in one book all the Kinks®, shop suggestions, jokes, cartoons and cures to problems that appeared in the Newsletter and all our catalogs, just as they originally appeared during the 14-year span between the first book, Gunsmith Kinks®, and the second book. Plus hundreds of previously unpublished Kinks® that never made the Newsletter due to lack of space. Every one is shop developed - shop proven - written by the men who do the work - and written in the language of the gunsmith. It's amazing just how clever and creative our gunsmithing fraternity really is. Some of the cures are so ingenious you want to bang your head against the wall for not thinking of them yourself! But, with the help of Kinks® II, you have immediate access to solutions that have been figured out in operating gun shops by the gunsmiths doing the work - it's like having your own friendly, confidential adviser sitting right beside you willing to answer any question you might ask - giving workable cures for your problems, because he has already done them himself. Stuff you just won't find anywhere else - like a complete-as-possible interchangeability list of guns from the manufacturers who made "Private Label" guns; a list of modern formulae for all the old chemicals and solutions (like "sweet spirits of nitre" and more); hundreds of quick cures for really impossible repairs; tips on stocking, bluing/plating, drilling, tapping, hunting, reloading; plus loads of info on specific guns, listed and indexed by gun name. A veritable treasure chest to delight and please the gunsmith or hobbyist. 252 detailed photographs and drawings - 504 pages - with 719 separate subject headings. Deluxe, heavy-duty, hardcover, sewn binding. 2400 entry index, cross-indexed with the original Gunsmith Kinks®. Plus, all the jokes the "Newsletter" has become famous for!

Quantity prices available. Please call or write.

37.9 37.9 1 EUR
Artikel-Nr.: 108001002
Herstellerproduktnummer: NONE 050806102606 Sie werden dieses zweite Buch der Gunsmith Kinks®-Reihe lieben! Wir glauben, dass es sogar besser sein könnte als Gunsmith Kinks® (was fantastisch ist!), weil es so viel mehr Kinks®, so viele mehr praktische Lösungen für Werkstattprobleme und so viele nützlichere und zeitsparendere Vorrichtungen und Vorrichtungen enthält und Zeichnungen. Folgt dem beispiellosen Format von Gunsmith Kinks® und bringt alle Kinks®, Shop-Vorschläge, Witze, Cartoons und Lösungen für Probleme, die im Newsletter und in allen unseren Katalogen erschienen sind, in einem Buch zusammen, so wie sie ursprünglich während der 14-jährigen Spanne erschienen sind zwischen dem ersten Buch Gunsmith Kinks® und dem zweiten Buch. Plus Hunderte von bisher unveröffentlichten Kinks®, die es aus Platzgründen nie in den Newsletter geschafft haben. Jeder ist in der Werkstatt entwickelt – werkstatterprobt – geschrieben von den Männern, die die Arbeit erledigen – und in der Sprache des Büchsenmachers geschrieben. Es ist erstaunlich, wie clever und kreativ unsere Büchsenmacher-Bruderschaft wirklich ist. Einige der Heilmittel sind so genial, dass man am liebsten den Kopf gegen die Wand schlagen möchte, weil man nicht selbst daran gedacht hat! Aber mit der Hilfe von Kinks® II haben Sie sofortigen Zugriff auf Lösungen, die von den Büchsenmachern, die die Arbeit erledigen, in laufenden Waffengeschäften entwickelt wurden - es ist, als hätten Sie Ihren eigenen freundlichen, vertraulichen Berater, der direkt neben Ihnen sitzt und bereit ist, jede Frage zu beantworten Sie fragen sich vielleicht - er gibt praktikable Heilmittel für Ihre Probleme, weil er sie bereits selbst durchgeführt hat. Dinge, die Sie sonst nirgendwo finden werden – wie eine möglichst vollständige Austauschbarkeitsliste von Waffen von den Herstellern, die „Private Label“-Waffen herstellten; eine Liste moderner Formeln für all die alten Chemikalien und Lösungen (wie "süße Salpetergeister" und mehr); Hunderte von Schnellkuren für wirklich unmögliche Reparaturen; Tipps zum Lagern, Brünieren/Plattieren, Bohren, Gewindeschneiden, Jagen, Wiederladen; plus jede Menge Informationen zu bestimmten Waffen, aufgelistet und indiziert nach Waffennamen. Eine wahre Schatzkiste, die den Büchsenmacher oder Bastler erfreuen und erfreuen wird.252 detaillierte Fotografien und Zeichnungen - 504 Seiten - mit 719 separaten Themenüberschriften. Deluxe, strapazierfähig, Hardcover, Fadenheftung. 2400 Eintragsindex, kreuzindexiert mit den originalen Gunsmith Kinks®. Plus all die Witze, für die der "Newsletter" berühmt geworden ist!
37.9 EUR 988 37,90 € *
Lieferzeit ca. 14-21 Werktage.
Mehr als 10 Stk. im Lager USA
Eigenschaften: Firearm: Universal Skill Level: Amateur Style: Gunsmithing


Firearm: Universal Skill Level: Amateur Style: Gunsmithing Versandgewicht: 0,839kg Versandhöhe: 36mm Versandbreite: 150mm Versandlänge: 224mm

A "Third Hand" For Gunsmiths & Hobbyists ... A Wealth of Information Available Nowhere Else
You're going to love this 2nd book in the Gunsmith Kinks® Series! We think it may even be better than Gunsmith Kinks® (which is fantastic!) because it includes so many more Kinks®, so many more "hands-on" cures to shop problems and so many more useful and time-saving jigs, fixtures and drawings. Follows the unprecedented format of Gunsmith Kinks®, bringing together in one book all the Kinks®, shop suggestions, jokes, cartoons and cures to problems that appeared in the Newsletter and all our catalogs, just as they originally appeared during the 14-year span between the first book, Gunsmith Kinks®, and the second book. Plus hundreds of previously unpublished Kinks® that never made the Newsletter due to lack of space. Every one is shop developed - shop proven - written by the men who do the work - and written in the language of the gunsmith. It's amazing just how clever and creative our gunsmithing fraternity really is. Some of the cures are so ingenious you want to bang your head against the wall for not thinking of them yourself! But, with the help of Kinks® II, you have immediate access to solutions that have been figured out in operating gun shops by the gunsmiths doing the work - it's like having your own friendly, confidential adviser sitting right beside you willing to answer any question you might ask - giving workable cures for your problems, because he has already done them himself. Stuff you just won't find anywhere else - like a complete-as-possible interchangeability list of guns from the manufacturers who made "Private Label" guns; a list of modern formulae for all the old chemicals and solutions (like "sweet spirits of nitre" and more); hundreds of quick cures for really impossible repairs; tips on stocking, bluing/plating, drilling, tapping, hunting, reloading; plus loads of info on specific guns, listed and indexed by gun name. A veritable treasure chest to delight and please the gunsmith or hobbyist. 252 detailed photographs and drawings - 504 pages - with 719 separate subject headings. Deluxe, heavy-duty, hardcover, sewn binding. 2400 entry index, cross-indexed with the original Gunsmith Kinks®. Plus, all the jokes the "Newsletter" has become famous for!

Quantity prices available. Please call or write.
